So many choices??? Let's see. Probably the best bou I've ever been near. 8-10 long points on top with about 6 inches palmation. Back points about 5", bez about 22 w/6-7 points each and double shovels, big ones. I've killed several caribou in the 370-80 range and this one was bigger than any of them.
17 bou caught me on a big flat and I just layed down. Nothing else to do. Over time they fed by me at ranges from 20-35 yards. Almost all would have made PnY. The big one was number 15.
This whole thing took about 30 minutes so I was pretty worked up. I was laying flat on my back and tried to shoot between my feet. Shot was 20 yards and I didn't realize that when I scrunched up to shoot I pushed on my leg w/bow quiver. Arrow hit about 10 yards short.
It seldom bothers me to miss, but this one did and does.