I have two golden retrievers that I take hiking with me. In the last month they have found two Blacktail sheds.
The first one along the edge of a grassy road. They usually go way ahead of me but they stopped to sniff and scratch at the ground like they were after a mole or mouse. When I went up to see what it was they were after, there lay a nice three point shed with a very knarly base. It was in perfect shape. I could not really tell how long it had been there, this year or last.
Then just a few days ago about 150 yards from where they found the first one they found another one, a very nice 4 point. It was very obvious that they were sniffing the horn not just a fluke find. The first horn was the left side and the second the right side. The second horn was bigger and also had a very knarly base.
Now I just need to stick closer to my dogs on our hikes