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Author Topic: NY Hog watch  (Read 5666 times)

Offline ron w

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Re: NY Hog watch
« Reply #80 on: March 16, 2010, 10:29:00 PM »
Mr. Leonard and I don't always agree on some topics but here I have to say he is 100% correct. Hogs would compete for natural foods that deer and turkey need to survive. Then they would go after farmers cash crops and do real property damage. Folks I have talked to where there are pigs really would like to see them gone. There is a reason alot of states have no season and no limits....they what them gone to. I would love to down to Ray Hammond's some time. Hopefully in the near future. And Shawn is right about the DEC, they can't regulate birds, fish or deer, so I bet they couldn't do pigs either.
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Offline Steve Kendrot

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Re: NY Hog watch
« Reply #81 on: March 16, 2010, 11:27:00 PM »
One stop shopping for those who want to learn about feral pigs.  http://www.berrymaninstitute.org/pdf/managing-feral-pigs.pdf

invasive Species cost far more than people realize. As someone in charge of a large invasive species eradication effort (nutria in the Chesapeake bay area) it is far more costly to fix the problem after the damage is done than it is to nip it in the bud. I am always amazed that there are hunters who would put their personal interest in killing a pig over their concern for native wildlife and habitat and the landowners who protect and conserve it through farming etc. I am encouraged by the number of people who expressed a voice of reason in my home state. But one thing I've learned is that one person with a bad idea can cause a lot of problems for the rest of us!!!

Offline Bjorn

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Re: NY Hog watch
« Reply #82 on: March 17, 2010, 12:44:00 AM »
We have had feral hogs in California ever since the first Spaniards and Russians settled. Yes, too many in an area and they can party hard-Elk are destructive too. And yes, farmers gripe-have you ever met a farmer who did not complain given the opportunity?
Deer populations are not affected much by hogs in California. Coyotes and Mountain Lions take their toll on deer here.
If hogs decide to stay in NY you might as well learn their habits, and if you are fortunate figure out some fav recipes too.

Offline pdk25

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Re: NY Hog watch
« Reply #83 on: March 17, 2010, 12:49:00 AM »
What Steve Kendrot said.

Offline Stone Knife

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Re: NY Hog watch
« Reply #84 on: March 17, 2010, 05:39:00 AM »
 I am always amazed that there are hunters who would put their personal interest in killing a pig over their concern for native wildlife and habitat and the landowners who protect and conserve it through farming etc.  
Steve, I have nothing to do with the fact that there might be a huntable population of pigs in NY some day nor does anyone I know. If they are here then they are that fact is not debatable it's just fact. All I'm looking to do is find out if there is a huntable population in NY if so I'm going to try to shoot one with my bow. If they are here they are here to stay if the conditions are right, nature will see to this and I will not help in any way. But if they do stay around I will be glad to do my part in killing as many as I can, I'm just testing the waters to see if there are any numbers in the state, I appreciated any and all info on the subject.
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Offline adkmountainken

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Re: NY Hog watch
« Reply #85 on: March 17, 2010, 07:14:00 AM »
    if you can find any sign or sightings i would love to stretch the legs a little bit and go scouting, have bow will travel! that being said i DO NOT want to find them! like you said if i can find them i will do all in my power to kill them. give me a hollor if ya want to go on a scout.
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Offline SteveB

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Re: NY Hog watch
« Reply #86 on: March 17, 2010, 07:57:00 AM »
To answer Jim's question about a huntable pop in the Homer/Scott area.

Are there some wild,escaped hogs there?
Yes - a few.

Is there enough with access to justify a trip to scout and bowhunt the area? Not for me (and I live 10 miles away and have private access) since pop is low and moving, and landowners for the most part are not eager to let people on for what is mostly a futile chase. If you want a walk in the woods on the nearby stateland, go for it - but your chance of seeing a hog is not much better then your back yard.

Offline LongStick64

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Re: NY Hog watch
« Reply #87 on: March 17, 2010, 11:59:00 AM »
Not sure but any farmer I talked to would love it if you killed every Whitetail that raids his crops.
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Offline Steve Kendrot

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Re: NY Hog watch
« Reply #88 on: March 17, 2010, 09:16:00 PM »
Jim. My responce was directed towards the "bring on the hogs" mentality expressed by some respondents. I did not read that in your inquery. I too would love to shoot a pig! However, were hogs introduced in my area I would favor a quick and agressive rapid response to eradicate them rather than risk development of a hunter constituency that would lobby to protect them as a huntable resource. It's happened before.

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