I think that the DNR and the lawmakers understand that the turkey isn't just a "dumb bird", but a worthy animal! Lets face it, turkeys arent curious one bit like a deer, and they rarely remain still long enough for a shot on their own terms! Any head that could help in the aid or recovery of an animal they are all for! As far as using blunthead style points for turkeys i have no experience, however a have a friend of mine that uses em regularly with success! He seems to favor the regular old slide on rubber blunt on a hickory shaft! He epoxies a nickel on the end of the blunt(dont ask me why, i think its for weight), and says that when he hits a turkey they just roll around for a few seconds and thats it! He also says that when cleaning the bird alot of the softer insides of the bird(lungs, intestines, etc.), are vaporized and depending upon where the bird was shot, he has slightly bruised the breast meat but nothing major i guess! Hope it helps!