Well, I have a camping idea for me and my kiddos. There is an old indian bluff shelter that i ran across a few years ago that is sweet. It is complete with sut and drawings. There are two squares drawn on the wall one about 2" across and another about 1" across. The drawings also consist of variorus animals.
I went there this morning and thought my boys would eat this up (ME TOO!!!), if I took them camping here. People are all too often spoiling things like this that have been left here as a part of history. It is for our children and ourselves to enjoy, not destroy. I cant see that it would hurt to use it for the same things the indians did.
What does worry me is that someone else had another idea. There was a shovel, screen, and stool there. Someone thought it was theirs to destroy. They better not let me catch them.
What do yall guys think?