I hunt some ground in San Miguel, California. A customer of mine has 3700 acres and some gorgeous country. I called him to see if he had seen any pigs on the place. He told me that they were not at his place yet but tearing up the barley fields below. Having some cabin fever I decide to take a walk any way. The pigs in this area are always on the move and sometimes there here and sometimes they aren’t. The last time we were up here in December one of my buddys SHOT (as in gun) a 200 plus pound boar and over the years this place has given us a couple dozen pigs for the freezer. I would post the picture but that boar was shot with a gun.
I got to the ranch at 5:30 and after opening and closing 8 cattle gates ended up on a high point to wait the day and do some glassing.

After doing some glassing I decided to work a few of the draws where we have taken hogs in the past. I know this place and I own the wind. I started up one of the draws and heard some pigs fighting over something. I was excited now; there were some hogs on the place

After that first commotion it got quiet and I never heard another peep all day. I did some really slow side hilling careful to stay as close to cover as the place allowed but never got on these pigs. It was strange that there was no fresh sign where I thought they were? They must have been on the move? The ranch is made up of big open spaces and brushy draws, once the draws open up you move on to the next one.
This place is covered with ground squirrels mounds. They make great soft targets. I shot at a couple of squirrels but they get hunted so much with guns they are running or down a hole :(

Got to go now I'll post somemore pictures Friday. Sure was a nice day:)