Many of you are aware through my many enjoyable years on here that I have 2 PL's that mean the world to me! The 58# is Dads bow he picked out before he passed and thats the one I got my "first" Trad deer with.
The second, my 61# is the one that my wonderful daughter picked out for me.
FINALLY today, I went to Mom and Dads house and sat down with mom and had her pick out my next Widow.
She picked out the PCH X with Cocobolo as the woods. I ordered it today, it will be
[email protected] will have the low wriste grip.
I'm very excited for her to see it, and put her hands on her bow. Dad never got a chance to see his before he passed , so I want to make sure this one she will see before to much time passes and her health detoriates.
I just wanted to share this with all my friends on Tradgang. Thanks for listening.