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Author Topic: Why no "Technical" and why are post "locked" rather than moved?  (Read 544 times)

Offline fantastixvoyage

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I'm a member of numerous sites and still trying to sort this one out.

I made a post in the shooting forum in regards to input on making a selection on a 2nd bow and it gets locked.  Annoying to say the least.

EVERY other forum I am a member of would have just moved it to the correct section.  And beyond that why is there no "Technical" section to discussion things such things as...

"broadheads, nocks, bow making, bow inquiries, longbow vs recurve, bow speeds, arrow speeds, quivers, arrows, arrow making, string twisting, string materials, feathers, silencers, brace height inquiries, or anything else not associated with the act of shooting the bow."

Is there a section i've missed?  Or maybe another site that I do not know of thats dedicated to technical side of traditional archery?  I enjoy researching  bows, arrows, broadheads, etc before buying.  Or maybe I'm just missing something here????
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Offline lpcjon2

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Re: Why no "Technical" and why are post "locked" rather than moved?
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2010, 03:39:00 PM »
IMO,We have all the things you asked about asked before.And if you use your search option you can find threads to answer most of you ?'s.As far as the post in the shooting forum I thought the forum was for shooting help.The mods do an excellent job at keeping this on tract and maybe something was a slip or maybe it was worded wrong.or maybe it was not in the format of the trad gang guidelines.   :campfire:
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Offline fantastixvoyage

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Re: Why no "Technical" and why are post "locked" rather than moved?
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2010, 03:47:00 PM »
Oh my post definatly did not follow the guidelines - didn't read it for the "shooters" section specifically.  So no problem with it being dumped by the admins just annoying they don't get "moved".

My suggestion for a technical section was to allow all the technical info to be in one place for browsing.  I use the search function often but without being there being a technical section you have to search multiple areas or the "pow wow" which turns up a lot of off topic posts.
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Offline wapiti792

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Re: Why no "Technical" and why are post "locked" rather than moved?
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2010, 03:51:00 PM »
Well try using the search button first...I bet you could find a ton of information about what you are looking for by using the search.

Also this site is like no other in the fact that you can actually PM a moderator and ask why instead of posting a "how come". They would let you know PDQ why or if it was off base somehow.
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Offline lpcjon2

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Re: Why no "Technical" and why are post "locked" rather than moved?
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2010, 03:54:00 PM »
It can be a bit frustrating doing the search.If you use one word searches for things like Feather burning info you just search burn and it helps.I have done the multiple word search only to find a one word search gets me closer to what I want.And the How to section has great info on technical type builds and tips.And it never hurts to ask it on powwow guys will drop you a link to what your looking for or give the a response to your ?. Thats what powwow is great for.Good luck    :campfire:
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Offline FerretWYO

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Re: Why no "Technical" and why are post "locked" rather than moved?
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2010, 03:54:00 PM »
If you look at one time they were moving way to many posts because people would not read the rule for the shooters forum. now they lock them. Annoying yes but it is also annoying for the mods that have to move posts every day when the forum guidlines are right there plain and clear.
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Offline fantastixvoyage

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Re: Why no "Technical" and why are post "locked" rather than moved?
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2010, 04:02:00 PM »
As mentioned I am plenty aware of and use the "search" function.

As for rules you are right I have not read them for each and every section.  That's not all that common with forums - generally if it fits somewhat with the section title thats where it goes.  Not seeing a spot for technical discussion I posted it in the shooters forum - I was obviously wrong.  Just trying to give some constructive input - I'm sure i'm not the only one looking into bows, arrows, broadheads, etc.  ;+)
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Offline Rob DiStefano

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Re: Why no "Technical" and why are post "locked" rather than moved?
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2010, 04:04:00 PM »
neil, if you have a question, concern or problem with the function of trad gang, please pm or email an admin.  as randy just mentioned, there are guidelines for posting topics in specific forums and there are far too few mods to deal with posting in the wrong place.  some mods will move such posts, some will delete - we have the right to delete such posts and offer no explanation simply 'cause we don't have the time.

and so, this topic is now closed.
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Online Terry Green

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Re: Why no "Technical" and why are post "locked" rather than moved?
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2010, 05:22:00 PM »
OK...I'll try and explain why they are now locked and left instead of moved or deleted.

I've tried every way in the world to get folks to read the guidelines of that forum, multiple stickies at the top...as many at TEN...and the off topics still roll in. "Your favorite cheap bow' is off topic for the shooters forum.

I've made 'trick' posts, like 'Hawaiian String Bikini League' as the topic, and the guidelines in the post.  But the off topics just keep rolling in.  As many as a half dozen or more a day.  It gets old folks, real old day after day after day. As you said it sir "Annoying to say the least".
All folks need to do is read the guidelines posted at the top.

We are trying to have a "Shooters Forum" so folks can come in and learn, teach, and inquire about shooting and shooting issues without a lot of non-related topics for them to have to wade through.

There became so many off topics on a daily basis that it just too too many more clicks to move them and we started deleting them, and then the emails started rolling in.  So, now I simply post a link to the rules under the URL heading of 'Click Here' and lock it and leave it visible so more folks will hopefully get the message.

Now maybe this being posted on the PowWow folks will understand what we are trying to do, and why we are doing it in the manner that we are now.

Thank you for your consideration on the subject.

The post you made there should have been made here on the PowWow.  This is the 'general' forum.
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