3Rivers Archery

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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Practice Distance  (Read 710 times)

Offline OkKeith

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Re: Practice Distance
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2010, 11:08:00 AM »
You wanna put a little spice in your practice regime for any distance, try this:

Regardless of what distance you shoot, this helps you practice those "in the woods" shots without damaging your arrows. Get some of the pool noodles that kids play with while they swim (we always called them FUNOODLES). Either leave them full length or just buy one and cut it in half. I think the hole in the center is about an inch or so. Get some dowels or sticks and drive them in the ground about 2 or 3 yards IN FRONT of your target. Offset them by a few feet and put them about 3 feet apart.

These are the "trees" that you will need to shoot between. I imagine you could devise some sort of “stand” for them to make it easy to change around and keep from poking holes in the yard. When I started practicing this way, I often slapped the noodles with my arrow. Now I hardly ever do. I have learned to concentrate better and make the shot straight through. For a better challenge, put them closer together, or move them closer to where you shoot from. You could even put a top cross piece on to form a box, or opening you have to shoot through. Good practice for folks that don't get out to the 3-D range very often.

Don't leave them in the yard like I did. The dogs LOVE to chew them up.

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Theodore Roosevelt

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