I'm seeing lots of recommendations for the skinny strings on D bows. Guess it works, but it bothers me... doesn't seem "right"... like putting shaped grips on them or shooting carbons. Last bastion of "real" tradition and all that... I also worry about older examples that didn't have tip wedges; their nocks could be cut up pretty quick by skinny strings, so if you go that route, be sure to pad. My own bows are duplicates of the oldest glass versions and I don't use the skinny stuff. As skinny as it is, I'm not sure my hands could twist it well. In my constant search for simplification I make all my strings the same size... 12 strands of B50, regardless of bow weight (20 to 40#). Why that size? Fits my nocks perfectly with one serving. Needless to say, I've standardized my nocks as well. Lot to be said for simplicity 8^) As to noise and thump, folks say my bows are quiet and the biggest single factor to me for shooting comfort is heavy arrows, 10 to 12 gr. per #. These bows LIKE heavy weight. Do you give up a bit of trajectory? Sure, but let's get real, we're hunting or simulating hunting. 8 to 20 yards, remember? Realistically, giving up a few feet per second in return for increased energy's a pretty good deal.