The first day I ever hunted, ever, I walked into the woods around 10 AM after running errands for the family. I had NO IDEA what I was doing (heck, I still dont... everytime I hunt its a learning experience, new and exciting!). I was stalking quietly up a logging road using the gusting winds to cover my steps. I had a full hunting pack and back quiver strapped to my API Bowhunter Extreme climbing stand and a White Wolf Recurve in hand. Within 10 mins, I was putting a stalk on a doe and got within 40 yds of her thanks to the wind! Later that day, sitting in a tree, I had a 4 pointer walk under my stand at 10 yds!! I picked a spot and began to draw, but eased off the tension as a million things raced through my mind... my key concerns were my equipment and the job after the shot. The truth is, again I had NO IDEA what I was doing, and I was using a bow with arrows that may not have made the best match. I knew nothing of how to pick a proper broad head, FOC, arrow tuning, or tip weight and spine... and I was using, ready for this, Spitfire 100 gr broadheads on xx75 2117's out of a 59# recurve... yeah. Second, I had never hunted before and really doing this on my own with only online conversations with my mentor to guide me, but no one in the field. So, if I shot him, I would have no help tracking, cleaning, etc... some guys, that wouldn't bother them, me, well, it did. I did not want to ruin hunting with my first deer being a potentially bad shot and lost deer. In reality, that first day was more about just getting in the woods and seeing if I could even find deer... and I did, 5 total. 1 stalk, 1 under the stand and a small group of does playing out about 50 yds in the woods from me... saw a hawk kill a rodent... it was a GREAT day!! Later that first season I took my first deer, albeit with a compound, it was still an awesome experience and a quick clean kill.
Sorry for the long post...