Originally posted by Ssamac:
Had them in my greenhouse last year. King Snakes. Not poison but nasty anyway. Had something called "Snake Guard" sprayed around the perimeter after I got rid of the couple in the greenhouse. That stuff works.
Kept the Missus quiet too.
Sam you could very well be the hero of my home if you'll tell me where to get "snake guard". My wife doesn't even allow us to use the word Snake. Yes.. her fear/hatred is really that bad and it doesn't matter what kind/color or size.. she hates them and is so revolted by them she almost starts throwing up if she sees one. I've witnessed bad words coming out of my sweet trophy wife's mouth when she almost stepped on a very small garter snake. Her oldest daughter tried to play a joke on her by putting a couple of night crawlers in her dish water, it got the daughter locked out of the house for the day..lol
Please e-mail or pm me the information! Thank you in advance.
I apologize for the sidetrack but this was/is earth shatteringly important.
God bless,Mudd
PS Man! Just to think if I could have presented this to her for Mother's Day.. I'd be getting frisky in the very near future...lol