Was looking through the only Bowhunter magazine I have left, got rid of all the rest years ago, and thought I'd share some of the things in it to jog a few memories.It's from 1981 the 10th aniversary issue. I keep it because my picture with my 1st antlered deer harvest is in the photo section along with my sons Scott and Jason.
Broadheads: Satellite;Savora; Rocky Mountain;Wasp; Razorback; Snuffer;Koplin;Bohning Copperhead; Zwickey
Tree Stands: Baker; Amaker; Total Shooting Systems; Loc On
Speaking of Amaker, do you remeber Ben Rogers Lee in the advetisement? He was a very big man.
Archery suppliers: Feline;Anderson;Joy Valley;Turkey Creek;PGS;Pape's; Bingham;Autumn; F.S;Warren & Sweat
Camo: Winnona; Treebark; Camo Clan
Custom Bows: Bighorn; Zebra Longbows;Wapiti;Dick Palmer;Ram
Misc.: Anderson tree sling;Whiffen fletchers;Graphlex arrows;Scent Vent; Stanley Hips broadhead target
Number of bowhunters per state:
Illinois 27,900 ( succes rate was 5%)
Iowa, 15,398 ( est. 1.1 deer per square mile)
Mich., 225,000 ( 12% succes rate)
Minesota, 43,499 ( 8% succes rate)
Mo., 42,000 ( 8% succes rate)
Last but not least: John Maggie McGees adventures ( always good for some laughs)
Have a great day,