It's not gonna save you alot of money if you have to put brass inserts in, but I've doubled up on hit inserts and found that they increase the spine of 300 spined axis arrows quite a bit. Going with those 2419 arrows might be the ticket for you. I also don't know what your true draw length is. I have found that, for me, the old rules of an inch or more arrow hanging off of the shelf at full draw isn't necessary. In fact, I prefer not to have more than 1/2 inch or so. If I need to, I turn the nock so the broadhead blades won't hit my hand. I have some 300 spine fmj arrows that are a little over 30 1/2" that shoot well with 300 grains up front from my rer td recurve. It is 63 pounds at my draw and probably close to 11 gpp. If I cut it down another 1/2-3/4, I'm sure that I could get away with more.