I used to hunt them all summer with a passion. Even the most ardent antihunters would ask me to come hunt them; as my bow was silent; I could slip in close to the gardens and sit in a chair for 40 minutes or so before they would come out.
I hunted really hard; and yes they do duck back into dens in a split second.
I think I would get an average of about 12 a year; and that was with a lot of effort. I loved it though.
I never did eat any; now in reflection; that was a mistake.
Now I live in rock chuck country; and I am going to try and take one just to see what they taste like.. the hunt will be just something I will have to put up with
One thing is that with woodchucks a miss didn't mean instant arrow loss; where a miss here in the rocks does.
I used broadheads and get less penetration than with deer with the same set up.
They are totally unforgiving of moving; making a noise; and other mistakes. I am glad to hear that they can be eaten.*
* I have eaten a lot of muskrat and opposum and liked it.