Sometimes it's just easier to get forgiveness than permission so... I copied this from one of the other threads that I posted it on originally.
"Here's a challenge!!! For all of those who participated in Tradgangs' fun "White Elephant dealings" take a look in your goodies from it and see what you might part with. I don't think the person who sent you your "White Elephant" package will be offended if they see something in the auction that they sent to you. I sure hope David Camp aka Shinken doesn't since I'm going to pick out something from the package to add to the auction. I think I'll also just enjoy going back over everything again! (yeppers) It's still in the box if it's something I haven't put to use already and I know exactly where the box is since its still sitting beside my chair at the kitchen table where I opened
Anyway that's my challenge to those tradgang members who know who you are!!"
God bless,Mudd