Back story: last year I got one of Mike Ballenger's longbow blanks and once I trapped the limbs to the back and narrowed their profile to match other bows like it in width that bow was smooooth and accurate. Never should have sold it. Sniff.
So I bought a used Mohawk, took it out to the range and hated it. I knew it was accurate, sort of, but it felt all wrong. I didn't like about 12 things about how it shot. So put it on the shelf and decided I would have to hunt with a recurve this fall (thats the other elk weight bow I own)
With that in mind I went to the range this evening to become one with the recurve. I almost left the Mohawk at home- don't want to confuse the form you know...
And all went well. After I was done I decided to shoot the 'Hawk just to compare. I mean, what could a shot or two hurt, right?
I was lethal at ten yard everything in 3 inches, deadly at 20 and off the 3D elevated stand the bears I shot all died within earshot. (a BUNCH of dead bears) I mean, man. I can hit with that bow! I had some fliers, sure. I need to spend some time on the range. But out to 24 yards this fall game is in jeapardy.
It was smooth. It was quiet. It was everything you all have been spouting.
I am no Howard Hill. I think probably that the bow is forgiving. I like bows like that. I dated enough prima donnas in college than to want one in a bow...
So I was wrong. I like this bow. I will hunt elk with it this fall. 57# @ 30" Bamboo core and tonkin dirty boo veneers. Watch out Mr Elk...