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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Great Bow Can't Shoot?  (Read 1039 times)

Offline longbowman

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Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« on: June 02, 2010, 09:42:00 AM »
How many of you have ever had a bow that shoots a perfect arrow but you can'y master the bow?  I'm going nuts with one I have right now.  It's dead quiet, shoots a perfect arrow. (20 yds without fletch even!)  I can't manage to shoot it consistantly.  I know it's me but there's something about the bow that throws mw every now and then.  I've never had this happen and I keep shooting it determined to master it but I'm going crazy.  (If you can't tell by my ranting.)

Offline bohuntr

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2010, 09:58:00 AM »
I did. In my case it was Rivers Edge Recurve I bought from Desert Dude. That bow was drop dead gorgeous, quiet and extremely fast. I think it was the relatively short riser/ short sight pcture that threw me off. I could shoot multiple arrows perfectly and then miss by a foot. It absolutely drove me crazy because I wanted to keep that bow. Ultimately I decided that the bow just wasn't for me. I am sure any number of people would have been able to shoot the bow consistently but that didn't help me.
To me, the ultimate challenge in bowhunting is not how far away you can succesfully make a killing shot but rather how close you can get to the animal before shooting.

Offline snag

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2010, 10:01:00 AM »
I have come to believe every bow design likes to be held and shot a certain way. I have gotten into trouble when try it shoot a bow by holding it wrong...too tight a grip, too much pressure high, low, etc.  Might want to try and meet that bow on it's own terms and not just on yours. Not always the case, but might just be.
Isaiah 49:2...he made me a polished arrow and concealed me in his quiver.

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2010, 10:24:00 AM »
I agreed with Snag.
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Offline bowbenderman

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2010, 11:56:00 AM »
I have found that the high performance bows require more practice to shoot.  Hand placement seems to be critical, I guess I always want to grip the bow, took a class with Rod Jenkins, first thing he changed was the way I put my hand on the bow.

Offline cbCrow

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2010, 12:50:00 PM »
Walk away from it for a week or 2,come back with an clear mind and I'll bet you do better. Had one just like  :banghead:   and it took me trying to sell the bow before I could be consistent, all of a sudden there it was. I was showing the bow to a guy and shot about 6 six arrows to show him how to shoot it and damn if all six didn't go into a 3" hole at 18yds. Lucky he didn't buy it!  :archer:

Online Doc Pain

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2010, 01:06:00 PM »
I think Snag hit the nail on the head.  I know in my case, I just can't seem to get a good group with some bows.  Not the bows fault, just the way that I try to grip it and it doesn't  want to be held that way.  I've learned over the years to stay with my grip and find a bow that likes it.  That way, I don't have too many things going on in my head when a shot presents its self.  In my case, the less I think, the better I do!
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Offline hayslope

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #7 on: June 02, 2010, 03:26:00 PM »
What Snag said........in my case, it always seems to be the grip......the really crazy stuff starts showing up when I start "experimenting" with my bow hand position....feast or famine!
TGMM Family of the Bow
Compton Traditional Bowhunters

“Only after the last tree has been cut down…the last river has been poisoned…the last fish caught, only then will you find that money cannot be eaten." - Cree Indian Prophesy

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #8 on: June 02, 2010, 03:31:00 PM »
I had a beautiful Kanati that I just couldnt shoot? Shot a straigh tarrow & I liked it but just couldnt get consitant shots? I ended up trading back for my old Northwind bow & have been happy since. I also got a quinn recurve that I like alot. Both bows very consistant for me. Mike
Big Mike

Offline Shawn Rackley

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #9 on: June 02, 2010, 06:45:00 PM »
i had the same exact thing with my first Jd Berry taipan. keep in mind i said first. i loved the way it looked, and the way it shot. i just couldnt hit what i wanted to. so i stopped shooting everyother bow i have and only shot that one. before i knew it, it is my favorite bow.  i am now more accurate with that bow than any other i have ever had. sometimes bows have "personalitys". just had to work with mine. i have allready ordered 2 Jd berrys and am about to order a third. dont give up on it. if u like the bow. there is no reason u two cant come to an agreement  :)

Offline jsweka

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #10 on: June 02, 2010, 08:36:00 PM »
Yep.  I made myself a takedown recurve this past winter and I was very pleased at how it turned out. Shoots a heavy arrow good and straight and is by far and away the quickest shooter I own.  For all it's beauty and speed, I can't hit squat with it.  I still shoot it occasionally, but it's mostly a wall-hanger.  I've been thinking about selling it, but I guess I'm still hoping that one day I'll take it out and shoot well with it.  I guess the moral of the story is that it doesn't matter how fast your bow is if you can't hit anything with it.

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #11 on: June 02, 2010, 08:56:00 PM »
slow down .if the bow is all you say it is.then take the time to find out what the bow wants.I got a long bow in may just like you I was nuts over it.I loved everything about it .I just didnot shoot it very well.I took a few sugestions on the way I was gripping the bow an much to my surprise it changed everything.now I hit better with my new bow better than some of my old ones.that is why they say beware of the man who shoots one bow.he knows that baby inside an out.In most cases a person can pick up almost any bow an if enough  time is spent you can tune yourself to the bow.of corse some bows just suck.I dont think thats the case here.

Offline Stone Knife

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2010, 05:50:00 AM »
Don't think just do   :readit:
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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #13 on: June 03, 2010, 05:55:00 AM »
An observation - the short bow fad does not lend itself to overall accuracy.  Yes bow design matters - always has.  H

Offline Uncle Buck

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #14 on: June 03, 2010, 12:08:00 PM »
what draw weight is your bow? like a lot of guys my age, I have had too come down in wt from what I used to shoot. I have a 60# bow that I can drill the first shot with but after about 12 shots they start to wander all over with a 50# bow I can shoot for a long time without problems

Offline Toxophilite

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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #15 on: June 03, 2010, 01:37:00 PM »
Plenty of good advice already submitted.  
Have you thought about calling the bowyer for some tips?
That made a huge difference on the first Toelke Whip I had.  Dan suggested a couple of minor 'gripping' and nock point changes and bingo---it worked!
I'm only as good as my first shot.


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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #16 on: June 03, 2010, 02:15:00 PM »
I picked up a Shrew Little Favorite a year ago the grip just seems to bother the heck out of me. Try it a couple of days get mad , hang it up ,go back still same problems but I hear every one else rave over the Shrews so I keep trying  :banghead:    :banghead:
Kanati Long Bow 56"-45#@27"
Hoot's Long Bow 56"-45#@27"
Shrew Classic Hunter 56"-47#@28"

TGMM Family Of The Bow
United Bowhunters of Penna.
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Re: Great Bow Can't Shoot?
« Reply #17 on: June 03, 2010, 08:17:00 PM »
One possibility -A great bow on paper may still be a total mismatch for you personally in reality

Since the bow appears to fit you then there are viable options.

2nd PROBABLE POSSIBILTY – Need to make adjustments according to the bow needs. Review Masters of the Bow III. Ron Jenkins teaches you how to determine what the bow likes. Also review threads or post threads how TG archers were successful in using a specific bow and specific grip. I had to find a thread on the ACS RC grip. Consistency was not to be found. Attempts on the blind bale were yielding inconsistent results. Only because I failed to use the correct grip, which ended up being one that I had never thought to try before. The bowyer to my delight, also, chimed in on the thread. The grip style was very different and a little uncomfortable at first. Three weeks and a couple of thousand arrows later of shooting this bow exclusively, this bow quickly became my bow of choice.

Just like any relationship there is give and take. We, ourselves may believe we know what we need, but not really know. Both partners bring something to the table. The union of yourself and your bow will make the desired outcome significantly greater than if it is just you and your bow. That is called synergy.

Best of Luck!!!!!!!!
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