Besides my children, family, & very select close friends, there is nothing I love more in this world than traditional archery. I'm a very passionate, motivated, focused, determined, caring & at times an admittedly IMPULSIVE individual.
What started out, nearly 2 years ago, as an innocent email to Rick Welch has evolved into a SELF IMPOSED mission to help Rick Welch help others, & to give those who want to know more about Rick all possible avenues to obtain the information they are looking for.
I think it's safe to say that you know more about Rick Welch now, than 2 years ago. However, in the process, despite my genuinely sincere intentions I have offended people. I have, at times, been admittedly over zealous in my excitement to share what Rick has to offer & overly defensive of Rick.
I publicly, from the absolute bottom of my heart, am extending a genuine apology to EVERY SINGLE person that I may have offended during this process. I ask only two things of the people that I may have offended. one- your forgiveness. two- take a moment to read the story of how all of this came to be. This will give you the "big picture" of how this all came to be, & hopefully allow you to see that my love for our lifestyle is genuine, & that I truly in my heart of hearts do want to see us ALL shooting better than we ever have in our lives!
I also want to go on public record & say that indeed Rick Welch's method is not the only method available. One must do the research to decide which method he/she feels will best facilitate maximizing consistent accuracy. I just want you to know that I know that, & I accept that. All the best.- Dave Mullins