I'm having some trouble getting all my tips to be the same weight up front. 140 grn field tips, 125 grn judo's (couldn't find heavier where I was at), and haven't gotten broadheads yet. That being said, I know I need to keep the same weight best as I can so the spine, etc all stays the same.
So, how do I do it? I saw someone once mention weight washers? I have some 5575's and some fatter aluminums. Do they come in the different outside diameters? Don't suppose I'd be lucky enough to find proper diameter ones at the hardware store for nice and cheap...?
What about you guys shooting really heavy broadheads (200+ grn)? Haven't seen field tips anywhere near that. Am I not looking in the right places?
Oh, and this is all in reference to screw-in tips. Thanks for the help.