Thump I took my daughter there in '03 when she was 9 yrs old, believing she'd just tag along with me and be happy with the camping. However, after seeing all the little girls shooting she HAD to have one. I bought her a bow there and she shot it a thousand times that weekend.
Move forward to '05 and I ask her where she wants to go on vacation as I offer the FL beach....she says "I want to go back to Michigan and shoot bows". So off we went and did trip #2...again, a thousand darn arrows.
Jump forward to '07, this time she decides she's outgrown her little bow, so we borrow a 32#'er from the boys at Black Widow. I can assure you, that little bow in '03 didn't hit my wallet near as hard as that new Widow did!
Anyhow, that little girl is almost 17 now, and found time in her busy schedule to go with me again next week. Believe me, that girl of yours is gonna see as many girls flinging arrows as she is little boys....and alot of times those gals out shoot them too!
I'll be there with my girl, my girlfriend, and her daughter (14). If your girl wants to shoot with girls, she is more than welcome to shoot with our girls. I really believe though as many kids as there are there, she'll have a blast just doing her thing.