It's funny--the last time I looked on the 3-Rivers site, "Doin' the Twist" had an awful rating, but I don't recall ever hearing anything bad in person. We've gotten hints on how some of the angles could have been better, etc. but we've always gotten rave reviews on the info. contained in it. They sell a lot of them, and continue to do so. Go figure.
It's almost two solid hours of instruction. We show you how to build two bundle strings, three bundle strings, padded loops, endless strings, how to install silencers, how to tie a timber hitch, how to make a string board, how to make a string stretcher, and an easy endless jig. I really don't think any other DVD comes close to having this much information on making a string--and if all goes well, there will be a DTT II in the not too distant future.