In the penetration tests that I have done, I found that both two and three blade broadheads, even when dull, had no trouble penetrating a hanging goose completely at 15 yards. Hanging the goose allowed more realistic results because the will give and shift at impact. That was with a 65# bow and light arrows. Lighter bows with sharp heads would still be very effective.
With the proximity or houses pick your shots carefully. I would refrain from flying away shots unless they are really close and you are using a fast or heavy bow. You will have to go through a lot to reach the vitals and you will loose a lot of penetration because the bird is moving away from you.
We had a pheasant last season that was shot on a flush going away from us. It entered by the tail and came out in the middle of its breast. It should have dropped immediately, but that bird flew nearly 300 yards with the arrow sticking out both ends before coming down. Geese are a lot bigger and tougher. You will have a blast.