Jeremy, here's a couple methods that can help your odds of success even this year, be persistent & serious & you will do well, I call it Keep It Simple !!
"Keep It Simple" & You Can Hunt Close To Roads!
To do well on your elk hunt it isn't necessary to be the best caller out there or the most knowledgeable in the field about elk habits & mannerisms. But what you do work on, have it down well.
I would seriously concern yourself with "setups" I call them "Cold or Blind Calling" setups, it's sorta like "trolling" for elk. These are very easy to master & more importantly highly effective yet very doable for newer & veteran elk hunters.
Setups as this can be accomplished by yourself or with multiple hunters by being 20-30 yards apart. Start with light cow calling as if you were a small herd feeding & milling around a designated spot where elk sign is found or not & hopefully elk are within earshot, elk can be a mile away in any direction yet selective sounds & setups can pull them your way. By injecting a single cow whine in the mix, then using a pre-estrus or excited sound 3-4 on mid to low volume in a 15 second span & no more you are now showing other elk that there is a cow in the mix possibly feeling urges of estrus or coming into heat. Add some light stomping & rustling branches & brush to make it real now & then throughout your stay. This can attract both cows & bulls a like as elk are herd animals & can become very curious as to who these others are in the area that they're not familiar with.
After 5-10 minutes of this off & on communication of this supposed group of cows, now inject a small bull or cow bugle. Yes, cows bugle in small groups as this, other elk know this!
Do your best to setup where the wind is in your favor as to where you feel elk should approach from. When possible I like setting up where I have obstructions or large openings behind me where the wind could possibly give me up. Elk generally will avoid openings or these obstructions on their way over. Too, make sure your setup is one where elk must come within your effective range to see where the sounds are coming from, you need cover here! You need to stay put in one place for a good hour & allow things to develop, be on full alert as elk can show at anytime many times silently! You can do 3- 4 setups as this per day/morning/early afternoon.
Setups as these are highly productive. They can be used all day or part of the morning & evening near feeding areas or transition areas between feeding/bedding.
If a good water source is known or active wallow this could be a great midday or evening place to set a treestand or ground blind. Between these 2 types of setups/hunts you can really up your odds for success with little experience & without having to penetrate the woods miles in, generally all setups can be done within a mile or less from roads or trails. When working these "setups" off roaded areas we simply pick a spot get into the woods where we feel is a good area & sound can carry & call. If nothing productive happens go another 1/2 to 3/4 mile & repeat, continue on until you get action, it won't take long! (grin)
If you feel the need to pick up your game another level then consider this option that would come into play 10-15 minutes after your blind/cold calling setup. You would now add an "estrus buzz" into the mix only after you have concluded your calling in that 1st setup. This new sound now shows a cow has entered the picture that had heard your previous calling & is now looking for this small herd. This is "making it real" It can really pick at the curiosity of any elk within earshot to come and assist this cow since this is what she is asking for! She wants to find these elk! Other elk will generally come and assist her or try & call her to where the real herd is! Guys we have called many many bulls & cows in with this sound done in this fashion. It's unique & most elk hunters have never used it or ever heard it but the elk know exactly what it means! (grin) Stay at your setup a good 30min after using this sequence, be patient & 100% alert! This is a great Public Land method & can be used in Aug.-Sept.-Oct.
Here's clip of this sound! Note the cows urgent tones & actions!
Concentrate on achievable setups as this & you'll really enjoy your hunt. Don't concern yourself with knowing all the sounds elk make & trying to understand them all, that can come in time as you spend more time in the field & want to learn more!