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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: New bow- some issues  (Read 894 times)

Offline Hookeye

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New bow- some issues
« on: July 03, 2010, 07:47:00 PM »
I rarely hit my arm, in fact I don't need to wear an armguard as long as I'm in short sleeves.

Never a problem with my Widows, not even on my last Samick Phantom.

My new Pinnacle 2 is popping me, rather far back.

I don't have any arrows for it yet, so borrowed some 2016's and flipped some through. Brace is at 9". It hit's 50# @28" of draw per the spec (had them set it for that). Medium glass/wood limbs. Arrows are feather fletched and running 125 gr tips.

String leeches have it fairly quiet.

Kind of annoying, arm hit.

I shoot with my bow hand such that the index and next finger touch the front of the riser, I just let it cradle in the thumb and finger "slot".

The grip runs along my thumbpad. I shoot well this way and have for years. Pretty uneventful arm slap wise.

I found today that such a grip doesn't work. I have to grip it with all fingers, semi firm, and then there's no arm slap........even with my grip bringing my arm closer to the string path.

I suspect I'm getting nailed at the shot or after it (during back travel). Dunno, but I don't want to change my grip.

Wonder if a quiver added would help, or if I have to tune it somehow.

The bow is cut to center, so with a Bear sideplate the arrow does stick out some (same prob I had with Samick Phantom- which I mostly corrected with Mr. Dremel).

Don't want to rework the riser, am fairly honked off at the lack of center shot.

Got some GT35/55's and will build some up Monday and test. Will be 30" long with 125 gr tips and 50 gr added for initial run. Might max them at 100gr added to insert for final of 500 grains.

If they don't spec with that, and that riser.........I'll have to put my limbs on something else.

If a Hoyt Dorado riser doesn't solve the problem them it looks like only a BW will do. And that's simply not in the budget at this time.

I'm sure the Tradtech/Samick folks know what they are doing to some extent, but why they didn't on these two bows (those mentioned) cut them past center I don't know.
Twist it up, don't pluck, marinate then grill.

Offline Dean Lintz

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2010, 01:13:00 PM »
Have you tried opening your stance to change bow arm.

Offline xtrema312

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2010, 01:35:00 PM »
Check you bow arm and see if you have your elbow rotated out.  It could be the grip causing you to drop the elbow or torque the bow.  I don't use a guard as a rule, but when I start test shooting bows I do.  I can often run into something like this with a bow grip I am not used to shooting.
1 Timothy 4:4(NKJV)
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Offline dpowers311

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2010, 06:35:00 PM »
OPen your stance, make sure elbow is rotated and make sure you are not grabbing the the bow handle and pulling the string into your arm.

Bryan Holley Spirit Longbow
62" 50@28
Timberhawk Falcon
62" 48#@28

Offline Bill Carlsen

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2010, 06:59:00 PM »
I shoot a DAS and depending on the grip I have on it I have the same problem. It came with a nice Walnut grip that split and I had to superglue it twice. When I shoot with that grip no arm slap. I also have two Jaeger grips. When I shoot with the medium grip I get a lot of arm slap but with the low grip I get none. I do not think it is your stance since it doesn't happen with your other bows. I bet it is the grip that torques your bowhand just enough to cause the problem. Can you change grips on the bow? Is so, try a different one and see what happens.
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Offline John Dill

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2010, 10:41:00 PM »
To much heel in your hand on the grip. Get between thumb and indx finger and roll your elbow away from bow. Its not the bows fault.

Offline Hookeye

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2010, 12:22:00 PM »
I shoot an open stance.

My grip was fine on three Blackwidows, two Bear Grizzlies, a Wing Redwing hunter and my recent Samick Phantom.

Works fine on my buddy's Hoyt Excel too.

There's either something wrong or this riser just doesn't work with my grip.

My grip: is light, medium high wristed, and of minimal finger wrap. Riser rides along my thumb's base pad, what portion that touches it.

Normally I curl my fingers to the side of the grip, just cradle my compound. Recurve with no bow sling, I touch my index and middle fingers' tips just to the front of the riser.

It is very relaxed, loose and of minimal torque.

It should work, has before, but obviously doesn't with this bow. I'd venture to say that if there isn't a setup issue then indeed, this bow doesn't fit me in that regard.

Looks like I'll be buying another riser soon.

I'm getting rather annoyed.
Twist it up, don't pluck, marinate then grill.

Offline Hookeye

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2010, 12:27:00 PM »
FWIW three fingers of some pressure on the front of the riser reduced slap occurance considerably, but I don't like having to GRIP my bow.

Did build up some GT 35/55 and left them full length (which is around 30"). Added 50gr weight to insert and shot bare shaft. Looks great.

Fletch some up in a few.

Still hit arm now and then, 10-20% slap rate. Unacceptable.

Was wondering if the tune was whack, or the ILF system was in rebound causing the hit after the shot. Dunno. Not a problem on other ILF bows I've shot. Will say the limbs do draw smooth.
Twist it up, don't pluck, marinate then grill.

Offline Hookeye

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2010, 12:32:00 PM »
Also, the slap is on a .75" spot on my arm, which leads me to believe it's in rebound/after the shot.

I'd get a lot nicer spot of evidence when I'd flub and make regular arm contact during a shot on other bows (when I would get really tired and grip too deep).

That .75" red spot, pretty close to .50" actually, is after about 8-10 hits. Exact same spot, it leaves a red vertical line. I'm pretty consistent ;-)

The red mark after 2 days of exp is about 1" high (total mark then .50" ish by 1.0"). Topography of the mark shows an altitude of 1/16".

It's a pretty slight event, still kinda stings.

Not very big, not super sore.........but the little "snap" is just enough to make me want to wrap this bow around a pole.

Makes me want a BW even more.
Twist it up, don't pluck, marinate then grill.

Offline Hookeye

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2010, 01:14:00 PM »
It appears (who knows after all the thinking/experimentation) that my thumb bones, by the web of my hand, are pushing on the grip.

I'm right handed so my bow hand is my left, and the string is rotating to the left and making arm contact.

The riser is a little proud in the area for the thumb. I just compared it to my boss's Timberhawk.

Time for a Mountain Dew and some bench time with the Dremel.
Twist it up, don't pluck, marinate then grill.

Offline eric-thor

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #10 on: July 05, 2010, 01:27:00 PM »
sounds like u figured it out the grip on a bow is paramount .   :thumbsup:    :campfire:
form is everything! shoot well shoot hard.

Offline Hookeye

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2010, 04:08:00 PM »
Problem solved via Dremel tool. Removed offending chunk o' lam at transition from palm face to thumb side. Also lifted thumb side clearance and took it in just a bit to more narrow at thumb tangency.

No arm hit.

Bare shaft has bullseyes level and straight at 10 yards. Banging bare shafts actually.

I'll final sand and seal with Gunslick stock finish.
Twist it up, don't pluck, marinate then grill.

Offline eric-thor

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2010, 05:42:00 PM »
great hows it look .pics pics!
form is everything! shoot well shoot hard.

Offline statedriller

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #13 on: July 05, 2010, 07:30:00 PM »
Now what would you do without your trusty Dremel...

Glad you got it figured out.
I'm getting more dangerous all the time...

Offline Hookeye

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Re: New bow- some issues
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2010, 02:43:00 PM »
Pics soon. Just moved, finally getting organized (same town).

Slimmed it a bit in grip area,100 shots and only hit arm once.
Twist it up, don't pluck, marinate then grill.

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