Take those last questions to the biologist of the particular area you drew. It might be worth joining the Huntin' Fool for a year just to get the contact info for other hunters that have drawn that area. I haven't been a member for 3 years and I still get calls every year from guys that draw sheep, elk, and deer units I've drawn in the past. Check with Fish and Game to see if they could give you any info to contact the past few years hunters. Sheep in different areas act very different. A lot of it depends on how habituated they are to humans and what kind of hunting pressure they see. Bighorns in NM are hand fed! I've hunted Stone sheep in the Yukon and Bighorns in Colorado. Been around Dalls in Alaska and Deserts in Arizona while hunting other animals. All the sheep acted differently.
In all the areas, the smallest group of ewes and lambs I've seen is 6. Typically they've been in the 18-24 range.
They will definitely be in different areas of the mountain from when you start in September to the end of November.
Good luck!