Now, I don't jump in with the fads, but the skinny string thing is impressive. It makes a big difference.
So I was making my own D97 skinny strings with great performance results, but less than perfect construction. I finally decided to get a properly made string from Pierre if for no other reason than my own tend to creep too much.
I've been shooting this thing for a couple weeks and... WOW! Needless to say the combination of his skill and the new D10 made a string that doesn't creep. But the icing on the cake is that it is even quiter and faster than my skinny strings. I figured that once a man was in the 6 strand range, one string or the other couldn't make much difference. Wrong. I probably picked up as many fps by switching to a quality SBD as I did swtching to skinny strings to begin with. If you already have experienced the improvements of a skinny string and want to take it to the next level, I'll have to plug the SBD. If you're still in the 14-16 strand dark ages... commmmme to the liiiight. :D
The best way I have found to explain it to people is that it's like gaining several hundred dollars worth of bow quality for about $20. In many cases a proper string on an inexpensive bow will make that bow sweeter than any thousand dollar custom on the market.