Hey all,
I haven't posted here for some time. I have been busy with a large B. I did finish a bamboo backed bamboo that I have been working on, and it going to my brother as a gift. I will try and post pics soon.
I do have a question. I have been building bows, mostly Hill style, and have enjoyed it. I also want to buy a R/D style bow to try out. I was leaning towards the Kaibab, and was about ready to place an order, when I heard they went out of business. I have been looking here and a couple of other places for a used one, but no luck so far. I looked at the Martin, Bear, Internature, etc. and liked the more extreme R/D. I shot one of Toelke's bows and it is awesome, but I need to stay within budget. I also live in an area with no bow shops so can't shoot them. This is not a what is the best bow for me thread, but more like, what experiences have you had with these bows?
Anyway, I want to stay under$300, which would leave me with enough funds to buy more bamboo. I would like to have a bow around the 55-60# mark. Any suggestions after shooting some bows?