This is an old hip quiver somebody gave me. I really like it, and may hunt with it as it so conveniently holds broadheads. You don't put the arrows into the top of the quiver. You slide them in from the side. There is a spring clip that holds the top shut, and you first put the broadhead into the bottom of the quiver, then snap the shaft past the spring clip, which is covered by the fleece lining at the top of the quiver. You remove the broadhead the same way, by grabbing the shaft and snapping it out of the top. The broadheads are absolutely quiet when you carry them and take them out to shoot. The last arrow you put in is the first arrow you take out, if you remove it by snapping it out as I described. If you want to carry a blunt or two, you would put them in first, and remove them by pulling them out of the top of the quiver rather than snapping them out of the side.
The only problem with this quiver is that it looks like it has been stored in someone's garage for the last 30 years or so, and the leather is dry and cracked.
Does anyone know anything about this quiver, and whether anyone still makes them?