Well last 2 weeks have been working on some permanent ground blinds, mostly natural materials from the surroundings. Our bow season in KY opens on 9-4-10, will be here quick! One field I hunt is square in configuration, field faces the higway, woods behing it, wind blows from the road towards the field, deer always come out in the southwest corner evenings. In this corner where I had set up pop up blinds and used treestands in the past, ghillie last year. had 3 huge tree tops break out and land in the corner of the field, owner just left them alone as they fell on a briar patch. Last week went in with a chainsaw, machete, and big lopping shears and made a 5 ft circl and pile the brushup around it 3 foot high, 15 yards from the two deer trails coming out. Last night, half hour before dark had two large bodied, decent rack bucks and a huge doe all under 25 yards in front of the blind, and 2 more to the righ hand side. I was about 120 yards away watching them from a fencerow with my binocs. I left with the wife and we went and checked out another older blind, produces several deer each year, two huge does there. We continued to watch them till dark when my buddy called and asked what I was up to. I told him I was looking at some FFC's. He said your looking at what, I said FFC's, Future Freezer Candidates! LOL! I get fired up waiting on seson to open this time of year, early bow season around these parts is the best time to kill big deer or does, you can pattern them, have 2-3 week window that is unbeatable for just seeing tons of deer getting shot opportunitys and they just arent as nervous.Is anyone getting as eager as I am.