I will be taking calls for leashed dog wounded deer blood tracking this fall in western Indiana and eastern Illinois. I'll travel up to 1.5 hr from Cloverdale, Indiana.
I'm not charging to do this - I'm trying to help hunters recover deer and to get my dog onto more tracks. This is Oskar's 2nd year tracking and he had a great season last year finding 12 deer of 13 tracks attempted - at age 3 months to 6 months old. I don't expect that high of a success rate on cold calls (we tracked for friends and family only last year) - but he is an amazing tracker. My goal is to get Oskar onto at least 20 recoveries a year.
I'll track for bowhunters - both "modern" and traditional. I will not track deer shot with crossbows. Firearms wounded deer on a case by case basis depending upon the situation.
Oskar doesn't care about antlers at all - we're as happy to track a doe fawn as a 200 inch buck - size of the animal does not matter.
If you would like more information please send me a Private Message with your name and email address and I'll forward more information. Be sure you are within a reasonable distance (no calls from 8 hours away, please
My wife handled Oskar on this recovery last year, he was 4 months old and this deer travelled approximately 300 yards.
Oskar and I tracked this doe in the late season - would have been a difficult recovery without the dog.