Alright, I have sucessfully built 2 flemish strings, and after picking up my new bow yesterday, I started twisting one up as a spare today. Well, I get the top loop done, and it holds strong, but then when I do the bottom loop, as soon as I put any tension on it, it all comes unraveled. What am I doing wrong?
I start with 7" and then I twist the top strands away from me clockwise, and then roll the bottom up towards me counterclockwise, and then keep repaeating. When I start my fadeout, I separate the colors and do the same thing...twist away clockwise, and then roll the bottom up over the top counter clockwise. The string is held in my left hand, and I do all the twisting with my right hand.
What am I doing wrong? Like I said, I have done it with no problems with 2 others, I just can not figure this out.