KAYO, I do a lot of small game hunting and grouse are at the top of my list. Great eating. Not all grouse are the same and some take a good deal more killing than others. Depending on your set up and whether or not you are shooting Ruffed or the big Blues, make sure you've got enough arrowhead to get the job done.
I shoot our Talon small game heads at all types of small game with great results.
I like to carry one flu-flu with me when I elk hunt that is pretty much ear marked for grouse. Often the Ruffs will give me one shot on the ground, then head for the trees. Flu-flus are great for grouse in trees.
Of course, if I miss with the flu-flu chances are I'm going to cut loose with a regular arrow if it didn't fly. In that case I try to line the bird up with the tree trunk. Have fun!