My TT came with a 8 strand SBD string and I liked the release and how it shot. So I decided to try one on my 56" 54.5@29 BW PCH. Turned into a bit of a learn experience, which is good. Anything that is worth while is.
It sounded like a bass when I shot it. So I gave Pierre Lucas at SBD call. He said the PCH has tended to be a little loud. He had me send him the string back and replaced the cat whiskers for yarn puffs. That really did not help much. So he asked me to raise my brace height and try heavier arrows. I took it to almost 9"(BW says 8 to 8.5). Made a lot of difference. I thought it would really affect the spine, which would affect the flight of my did not. Pierre said he has one person shooting a PCH at 9.5 brace. Mine is shootable for hunting now.
Is there anyone else that has ran into this and can you tell me how you handled it and what your bow setup is?
Moreover how about that service from Pierre. Never charged me to replace the silencers. He wants the SBD strings he puts out to perform. Thank Pierre