Ok, I think were missing some critical points in this discussion as it revolves around my earlier statement. My statement was based on penetration optimized arrows for the 40 lb bow compared with standard nonpenetration optimized arrows with the 60 or 65 lb bow. If you give the Ashby reports a thorough read you will see that this is their basis for research and reporting.
Optimized arrows do not weight 10 gpp. That number has nothing to do with the Ashby reports or arrow optimization. Ashby uses standard, high and EFOC arrows that weigh over 630 grains in his testing. He uses arrows that are optimized to allow for the best penetration possible, and similar weight sets that are not optimized. All shot testing is on recently killed animals. These arrows are tested against each other.
I work as an engineer and have reviewed his numbers, his theories and their basis, and torn his entire process and practices to pieces looking for flaws. There really are not any to be found with minor exceptions that don't change the results of his studies.
Terry is 100% correct, if you shoot the 10 GPP arrows for both bows the light arrows don't even come close to mathching penetration of the heavier bow. If you take a non optimized 650 grain arrow out of a 65 lb bow and a totally optimized 650 grain arrow from a 45 lb bow, your gonna be suprised at the results. In most cases the lighter bow will match and at times exceed the heavier bows penetration. Ashby's testing supports this as well.
Terry you will never get your 70 lb bow to shoot like a 90 lb bow, the arrow weights are roughly the same so the arrows arc will be different between the two bows. You can get the lighter bows optimized EFOC arrows to penetrate like the heavier one when it is shooting standard design FOC arrows.
Ashby's testing is indicating that EFOC arrows are showing dramatic increase in penetration over standard arrows. Terry is right here too. 10% more more FOC helps a bit. 20% more FOC makes a lot more difference than we all think. I am excited to see how much in the next few Ashby reports.
My engineering based review of all this stuff, the laws of physics, and momentum equations as they apply to penetration all lean to EFOC and penetration optimization of your arrows as a great way for a light weight bow shooter to bring their penetration to a point where it will match a heavier bows using standard non optimized FOC arrows.
Important to understand that I am not arguing with anyone here. I think the original poster was asking about FOC and how to tune for it. Drop me a PM and I will be happy to tell you how I did it. Terry has a great post or two on how to get there so search a bit and find them. Those posts saved me a ton of work to find EFOC.