Well, I finally have time to put some pix down!
It all started here on TG, with a invite from pow-bow for somebody's to come to his place on POW for a sitka deer hunt.
Once we were committed to go the summer was spent getting in shape anyway I could.
Here I am mowing my lawn apx. 1/2 acre, 65lbs on my back (Thanks Mike Mitten for the idea).

Three days before I left, all my clothes airing out in the wind.

Aug. 24th we headed to Ketchikan, Ak. We spent the night in the local hotel, then took the Interisland Ferry across the POW. (As a side not next time I would hire a float plane).
That night the 25th was spent at POW-BOW's house then in the morning getting gear ready to head out into the bush.

We headed out to a very remote secret place (I am sworn to secretecy).
It took us a little better then fours to hike into our hunting area. This was one of the most diffucult climbs I ever made. We crawled our way through the brush. We would throw our bows up ahead then use both hands to hold whatever little plant would hold us, to pull ourselves up. All while wearing a 50lb pack. We hit a spot of karst (limestone coming out of the ground). This karst makes for deep holes. At one point two of us had to walk across a narrow strip (18" wide) between two deep karst holes. This area is so thick it is hard to see where you are putting your foot. Scary stuff. On top of all this the "devils club" keeps hitting you in the arms and hands (I am still picking thorns out of my hands).
Once we made it out of the karst we were just below the top. We found a small pond to camp by.
Now we were within 1/2 hour climb to the top of a giant bowl. Could not wait until morning!!
I have no pix of where we were, b/c my small camera broke just before the trip, and I was not going to lug my big Canon EOS D60 up to the top (once I have pix from luvthehunt I will post).
The first afternoon one buck was killed, the next afternoon another. We must have seen 100 bucks, many very large deer!
Because the weather was changing we decided we should head out. So with 75lb plus packs, we headed down the mountian. This was worse then coming up. The rain poured, everything was muddy, slippery and soaking wet!
Took about 6 hours of slipping, falling and crawling through the brush to make it to the bottom. I think we smiled almost the whole way!
We got everything back home, and dried out, meat put away, then it was off to another place. Due to the fog, rainy weather, we could not make it to where we wanted to go. So we hit plan B.
Truck camping this time, with a heater!!
We spent 2.5 days in weather like this.

This was tough to hunt in. We could not see deer, but were sure they could see us.
Here is Camp #2

We manage to get close to a few deer but nothing with horns.

Saw plenty of these!

All in all it was a great trip!! I would go back tomorrow (if I had the cash, and my wife said OK!)
Once I have the rest of the pix I will post.
chris <><