I don't find carbon forgiving unless it is a AD. I do find some odd stuff tuning where I can shoot a longer than needed shaft with the same weight as one about right in length and have them shoot the same. Sometimes with more weight up front on the long shaft. All I can think of is that the higher FOC we have with carbon and a lot of extra length does something with flexing when shot that works out sometimes.
I have to get out to 25 yd or better to really see what a high FOC shaft will due. At short range the heavy front will just drag the shaft to the target for me, and I don't see what the shaft does in flight. At longer range I start to see the flight better and what the shaft is doing like over correcting in flight which can give false nock direction indication when the arrow hits or move the impact point over some. I don't shoot so much for group now after I get the arrow close. Now I back up and see if it will fly 25-35 yd. slight nock weak and high all the way without to much nock travel weak and high or a correction swing in flight. I had some shafts cut 31" with 100 insert and 145 point. They shot well even with broad heads, but I would get some odd stuff sometimes. After more work long range I saw that they tailed nock weak more and more over distance and then swung back in corrections before hitting. I cut them down to 30 1/4" with 100 insert and 100 point. Now they fly better yet, and they hit about the same place at short range with a bare shaft. However, the bare shaft flies much better long range now, and this set-up is more forgiving, which equals tighter groups particularly at longer distances.
I have a bow that is cut to center, and I can shoot one shaft size weaker than my normal arrow with about the same point weight and length. If I am real consistent on my shooting, even with a bare shaft it shoots real well, but when I get off a little with my grip or release it really shows. If I try the same thing in my cut out from center bow of the same weight the light spine arrow goes crazy no mater what. Just shows me a center cut or past center cut bow can have a higher tolerance for arrow spine, but that doesn't mean it is tuned right just because it can shoot an arrow decent most of the time.