Today I took out the following broadheads, 3 each, set up with alum threaded inserts for carbons. I was shooting a Quinn STalion, #50@28, 60"AMO, bear weatherest, D-97 flemish 14 strand string I made, w wool puffs.
150 WW,
Bear 145 SS razorhead
145 Ace std.,
Zwickey Eskimo 165,
Ace std 175
Ace std 200
I was shooting GT 35/55, cut to my length w/4 inch parabolic feather. I shot all these different weights, to the same point of impact out to about 30 yards, ran out of light. Might have been 2 inches difference overall in impact high or low, when I was shooting the same, could call a low shot due to dropping my arm. I will probably be hunting with the Ace 175 or 200, super quiet, fly like darts. I have also shot some carbons that weigh up to 75 grains difference, shoot instinctive, still close enough to hunt with. Is it just me, or rest of you have same results if you have good form, good release, no wind much with a properly tuned setup.