Mudd: I've been intrigued with the iLF thing which should be no big surprise if you have read any of my posts. On another site, Tradtalk, which is much more technically oriented than this site, I have seen ILF risers hand made by fellows using their own ideas, tools and resources. If you did a bit of research on the geometry of the things and how to make the fittings work (it's really not complicated at all) I bet you (and a friend if you need resources) could actually make an ILF compatible riser that has a shelf on both sides. I bet you could even talk Bob Morrison into sending you a roughed our riser with the ILF fittings installed and you could then work on cutting out sight windows on each side. I think what you want is doable...just think outside the box a bit. No one ever said the riser had to center shot to use iLF limbs. So, do some creative thinking, contact a bowyer or two and see what happens. It would be fun and make a great thread on this site. I bet you would get a lot of support. I know I'll be cheering you on.