Although I don't have the ability to furnish graphics, here is information from the article.
1. (Traditional Bow Review) "Brush Bow T/D Longbow from Horne's Archery," Traditional Bowhunter, Dec/Jan 2007.
2. Takedown system: "The Bow Bolt take-down system from Warren Archery . . . Cutting off certain parts of the male and the female threads allows the male part of the Bow Bolt to be inserted all the way to the flange of the female part. At this point the male and female parts are centered and the male and femal threads aligned. A quarter turn clockwise is all it takes to tighten the flanges against each other. No tool are needed to lock or unlock this sturdy system."
Although it's referred to as a longbow, it looks like a recurve to me. And since I perceive it as such, I returned to Horne's web site to see whether it was offered where I hadn't looked. It is not.
I also visited Craig Warren's web site to learn more about the Bow Bolt. Interesting, but I have never seen a bow with this takedown mechanism, nor do I know anyone who has. Apparently, Horne's interrupted thread version is not a custom alteration, rather a variation offered by Warren.
That's all I know about this.