some might remember i had extreme difficulties getting my Bob Lee Signature Longbow quiet. I went through many brace heights, silencers, strings even arrows and nothing worked. I was already in the mood to say "Well, lets call it good, seems like i am not a longbow shooter and this one wont get quiet.."
Luckily JJ from Bob Lee Archery (who, along with many other being wiser than me, helped a lot)said i should try more different strings.
After a few more trys i finally am one happy guy!
An socalled Xcel string 16 strand with beaver puffs has made the bow perfectly quiet.
During testing the sound i didnt take notice of my groups, boy was i surprised when i saw my first one. Shot another one and another one and each looked like this (this is actually the secoond one, 18 steps):
So abig thank you to all who helped with advice and kind words during the process.
Never ever give up!
So thanks to all who helped