They take some getting used to. I suggest dry runs wearing it. Everything you usually do might be impacted by wearing it. That said. . once you've learned the tricks you need to use your suit, they are awesome.
As was said, i trimmed and trimmed. I finally trimmed the inside of my bow forearm arm down to nearly nothing. I wear an arm guard that holds down some of it.
I also acquired a set of gloves, made by someone else, can't recall who, but they have sewn in ghillie material, so my bow hand is also ghillied up. I had to trim nearly all of the stuff on the top side of the hand, that part that is up when holding the bow..
I don't wear the ghillie face mask, rather use another that is a bit tighter. The ghillie boonie hat is great, but i wear it twisted around to the left a bit with the string around behind my left ear. When you go to shoot, it tends to work itself around and in the way. That move keeps it in place. It takes a while to trim away all the bad stuff so keep at it.
I also found that by wearing light waders underneath (I cross a small ditch that is about belly deep)it seems to contain my scent (imagine that. . waders. . ) and I have had deer all but step on me. That said, I still use a wind string and watch it religiously.
This year, when it is ghillie time, I am gonna make a piece like Guru did. . great idea.. to mask my movement of drawing the bow.
I like it. BTW works on skwerls too !