I guess I'm the only one that thinks its a normal year around here.
The nut tree's are dropping some and so are some of the fruit tree's but it was such a wet spring they are all loaded to the gills. We have just come out of a long month of 100 degree temps and no rain to speak of.
I have seen some off the tree's changing color and the leaves falling off but I would consider all of this to natures way of surviving and thinning them selves so that they can survive through the drought and heat.
I have talked to several farmers and they will start harvesting the early corn this week. The beans are showing no signs of turning and all of this is about normal for this area. Last year was such a late season it makes it seem early this year but normally all of are corn is done and harvested in September. Last year we had corn in the fields till November and I can't remember that happening since the 80's.
Anyway the bucks around here that we watch every year usually shed in the first 10 days of September and so far they all still have there velvet so we will see.
Good luck this year everybody and shoot strait.