Guys I have never advertised and I am a little one man shop. I watched this forum several years to see if I wanted to be a sponser. It met the one main criterion I have. The ability to express Christ and faith. In fact I would not be building bows except for divine inspiration and teaching.
When I have run into any kind of problem , God has supplied the answer. The Designs He has inspirted and even shown me how to do it the easiest and best way. He has given me an understanding of dynamics that I know that aknowledge is above my natural ability.
God is not only able but he is willing and He sincerely seeks a personal relationship with us. This has become extremely evident to me, especially in this phase of my life and in archery in particualr. What is his purpose I have asked? That answer has always come back,. I am your friend I want to be your friend. There is nothing in this life more awsome than that relationship with Jesus. That is why I say God Bless you. Its not a religous thing. Its a relationship I want everyone of us to have and share.
I build these bows with Christ and unto Christ. It doesn't matter if its the lowest priced bow I build or the most expensive one. I pray for guideance and I do the absolute best I can on each one. It is the most rewarding thing I have ever done in my life.
This is where the name of my bows came from
I saw an eagle flying through the woods and I marveled at the grace and ease of his form . the Lord spoke to me in this dream and said build a bow that resembles this eagle, and so my EagleWing was designed. True story. I built it as I saw it and as I built it the Lord himself taught me. It was completely a faith thing. What he has done for me is given me the comprehension of the dynamics of the bow.
He has also shown me the perfection of his design in nature. The master that created it all made no mistakes.
2 fletch, They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up on wings as eagles, they shallrun and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.
I'm sure we share that: I was pleased when I saw the name of your company. God Bless you all, Steve