Awake early to the sound of Dane putting the billy on and knocking up breakfast (the lad was keen as it was now his turn), whilst enjoying the start of the day with a coffee spatters of white and black started to appear around us heading to water at our camp site. Dane keeping an eye on them was now even more keen to shoot a billy over 30” after Old Whitey nearly hitting 36”. Dane I said we will get you one today mate I know it. Today it was cooler with a stiff breeze early due to clouds starting to develop possibly later into storms and as we headed off into the Mulga in search of our quarry we both were full of excitement. All was quite absolutely nothing worthwhile at all, this is no good Dane they aren’t in here so lets hit the dam and wait for a little while to see if we have any visitors. On the way back I glassed the open country revealing small mobs way out under lone trees with no chance of any kind of a stalk and decided that if they are thirsty they will come in. Now positioned on the dam we waited hoping something would come in, this was not to be as only a few nannies, kids and roos were in for a drop.
In the ute Dane we are off exploring we have got to find these goats mate they ain’t comin’ to us. Headed for the eastern boundary in a part I had never seen before only to reveal small isolated mobs of goats and only one decent lone billy way out on the open country headed flat out for the safety of the Mulga stand. Ok we will hit the northern boundary up near a usually dry old dam in that mongrel country, real thin Mulga, Box stands and pulled open country hard stalkin country when lots of eyes are everywhere. We pulled up short with the breeze right and slowly made our way in until I pulled Dane up. Lifted the bino’s to give me a better view of two black Billies on the edge of the pulled country. Well Dane you get either of them two mate and you will nearly hit the 40” mark. We waited until the now three Billies started to mooch off slowly away from us out on the flat, Dane mate all we have to do is keep em insight I thought until we have any chance of cover. Away we went heading towards the dam when another billy stopped me that was hiding behind a tree, he was well over 30” also and hadn’t seen us yet. Dane then said is that a goat in that TRAP????.
Well yes mate it is and he is a goodin too!!!
Now what would you do if one decent billy was in a trap that was not trapped as the door was wide open I ask you? Go get him Dane and if you get him it doesn’t count ok.
In the trap also was a young nanny that was on heat and she had her head jammed through the mesh, was stuck with only her back legs on the ground and that’s why all the boys were hanging around helping themselves. The white billy could see Dane easily coming as he was the only green thing for miles up there and was on edge. Dane closed the gap to the entrance of the trap and it was a Mexican Standoff as whitey wanted to come out, Dane wanted him to come out and I wanted to shoot the action with my camera of the billy making a break to freedom.
Dane turned and looked at me for advice and with that billy made a break out the back door Ha! Ha! Dane didn’t see that opening and whitey was off with AC/DC playing in my mind Jail Break.
I strolled up to Dane and said I guess you thought you had him mate? Yep I thought so!! I then freed the little nanny stuck in the mesh and she hardly made a sound as she knew I was saving her from certain death, she hobbled out of the trap and straight to the dam for a big drink. Well lad let’s go get him now! Up to where they disappeared into the pulled country we could see they were headed for the Mulga way back down near camp and were stopping feeding every now and then. Go for it Dane I said! Hunt him now cause this is what hunting is all about, you’ve seen him, he’s seen you now follow him up and nail your billy I will get the ute and bring up the rear parking at the far end of the track near camp. I could see Dane way down the track in front of me staying well off the Back Door Billy and could see he was giving up so I drove down to him and gave him some more encouragement to go get him as they had almost hit the Mulga. Dane you will have cover but time was running out as it was thundering, windy and getting dark quickly. Off he went again with my words ringing in his ears “Don’t Muck Around”. Dark now set in and it was blowing a gale as another Hell Western storm blew in and raised dust, no Dane ah oh! I hope he has his head torch with him as I always carry mine just in case. Ok flashing orange strobe light now on and driving the fenceline blasting the horn along the edge of the Mulga only to have the wind blow the sound in the opposite direction. Mind you we were actually only 300 metres from camp. Finally I see a light flashing up the fenceline from the camp direction with a shall we say buggered lad who immediately bypassed me and hit the fridge in the ute for a cold one before talking to me (I already had one or two thanks Dane). Next I got the run down on where all the goats were and what they were doing but there was only one thing I wanted to know mate Did You Get Him? Yep I got him was the reply and his face was a hive of excitement he couldn’t contain himself. Dane had produced the goods and had hunted the Back Door Billy and nailed him one arrow at 10 metres and was down for the count in seconds making him the new PB billy in a way he will never forget, well done mate. Back to camp and a few more drinks and feed and many replays of his adventure.
10” around the bases
Next morning we were headed for the creek in search of pigs not far from the homestead, it looked good but pig sign was scarce. The further we went along the creek the better it got and Dane soon learned hunting pigs is far different from hunting goats.
Danes footwear choice for this task was his pull on Blunstones whilst I was wearing my volleys as usual. I have never heard something so noisy as Danes boots every step of the way and he was about to find out how it affected our hunting. The pigs were bedded in the low hanging tea tree that lined the banks and were near impossible to spot until you were either on top of them or they busted out in front of us after fickle breeze changes blew our chances. The further we went the more pigs and sign was seen with the majority being sows and slips. The weather was developing around us and bloody hot down along the creek with mozzies the size of jumbo jets attacking us. Two pigs busted out and one made a mistake and headed straight to Dane who was on the opposite bank and sent an arrow her way. The pig was bowled clean over and then up again and gone back the other direction to which we just came from. We spent a good hour trailing her and it was evident that the shot was not life threatening and she will live to fight another day. I explained to Dane that if you have any opportunity with pigs to hit them again ASAP to ensure they don’t disappear on you as sometimes a perfect shot can still result in a lost animal.
Stay Tuned for Part 3
Sneaky One