Sendero hit the nail on the head as far as I'm concerned.
Deer ain't afraid of gasoline, McDonald's wrappers, the "smellgood" hanging from your rearview mirror or the dog poop on your shoes. They are afraid of YOU, period.
You also need to remember that deer are not reasoning animals, they don't connect the dots as in "Hmmm, I smell Mickey-D wrappers..." "Joe likes to eat Big Macs..." "Oh, crap, Joe has a treestand over there...." "I better vamoose to avoid Joe..." Deer smell a person where they aren't used to people being and, assuming it is a deer with half a brain, he gets out of the way.
A deer can smell where you walked 3 days aren't going to fool him except by working the wind.
R - (busted by so many deer they probably DO know my name!)