Your arrows are probably not the same length as my arrows, so you will have to measure them, decide how far up that the quiver should cover them, and make it so.
Here is a pic of two quivers. The one on the left was made by Barb Dumas. Before I got that one, I made a prototype, to see what dimensions I might like in such a quiver. I used an old pants leg... how cheap is that? :D
Other than being rather wide at the top, it worked perfectly. So, now all I need do is measure where the top seams should be, mark it, take it apart and use the
good material to make a REAL one, right?
Well, this one works, I am not trying to impress anybody, and I am lazy. So I used it for ten years, and in the meantime I have acquired a mess of quivers of many styles.
One day I may make a pretty one, when this one wears out...
Oh, when you smash the mouth of Barb's quiver shut, it measures roughly 8" across. Don't forget to leave extra material for the seams.
Experiment! Most of what you see here is an American take on an old Native American design. I would love to see a Slovenian accent applied to it!