I have several custom recurves. A Widow PSAIII, 58" and 46# at 25.5" --leftie was the 2nd recurve I've bought. It is a terrific bow, dead in the hand because of the heft, which I like. Great workmanship, high performance, and I think good looking. To be fair, I've never even seen a 1-piece Widow so I'm no judge on those.
If I were buying a widow I'd buy the new PCH, probably in 56" but that's because I have a short draw length. I love the convenience and portability (and interchangeable limbs) of TD bows. The grip of the takedowns is very comfortable also -- little bit of palm swell which I like.
I'll probably keep my widow as long as I live. I can't imagine parting with it. However, I've bought more bows since the widow and have 4 bows other than widows on order. When it comes to hunting the widow is probably 3rd in line and soon to be 7th in line for going out which means I'll likely never hunt with it. And this is a shame because this is a very fine hunting bow. But I shoot some others so well.
One thing for sure. The widow is the most difficult of all my bows to string and unstring. I have to be extra careful when doing this and of course I always use a bowstringer to keep from twisting the limbs (must be the tapered limbs and light draw weight). In fact, I rarely unstring the bow and the Widow bowyers actuallly recommend leaving them strung.