Help me out please ....I have a question, regarding sharp broadheads. I havent looked thru old threads or anything like that - Im asking off the cuff here: Ok, seen alot of people claiming sticky sharp, scary sharp and on and on. Ive sharpened some heads and got them to what I thought was pretty sharp....could hold up a piece of paper and swipe at it and shave off nice strips. Seemed sharp to me. But these would not make hair "jump" off my arms, could certainley not shave my face. Since my switch to trad archery almost 2 years ago now, I have only put a broadhead to an animal once....a big doe, using a woodsman that i thought was pretty darn sharp! It was a slightly quartering to shot and i got some shoulder blade, but still good penetration with decent blood (the 2nd deer ive lost in my 17 years of bowhunting) but coyotes pushed her to a creek that leads to a hellish swamp and 2 days of looking ended not the way I wanted. Anyway, Im sure the head was sharp, but maybe not like others claim to get their heads. So, provided the shot is where it counts, will a shaving sharp head be the difference between as pass thru or not compared to a head that will easily cut up a steak or cut the paper as I described (a very good file sharp!) Im still learning the art of sharpening these heads, 2 blade and 3 blade....but as of now, I cant get them so sharp as to be able to shave. Should I feel guilty for taking a file sharp head into the woods? Cuz it seems as though everyone is shaving sharp .....just wondering if thats for insurance and not really necessary. I just ordered the KME broadhead sharpener thats described as if its the cats behind, just to have on hand, but id like to keep things simple and stick with the file and maybe just a little diamond stick. What are some general thoughts on all this sharp stuff?