I just got in from a NBEF Treestand Saftey Instructor's Course.
It was one of the BEST courses I have ever attended. It was the first one offered here in Alabama. It was a traing course for Instructors.
It was taught by L.J. Smith and John Louk.
Lots of great info, that I'll be able to get to my students and Instructors.
Have you ever tried hanging by your Full Body Harness? We were taught what to do about Suspension Trama, how to do Releif, Recovery and Rescue. Now that was KOOL! Everyone needs to try to hang by your harness, learn how to get some releif, and how to get back into your stand. (only do this with a compentent Instructor to help)
I've been doing this for 20 plus years. I learned NEW THINGS! The new technology is wonderful.
Of course, we learned alot more.
I just wanted to share this with ya'll.
So if you get a chance to attend an NBEF Treestand Saftey Course, please do so.